
Learn Muscles "Forgotten" During The Exercise ??

Many wanted the emergence of direct effects of exercise on the body and exterior shape of the muscles what gets them to focus on certain muscles and neglect other important muscles error. Below we learn about some of these muscles "forgotten"
Many connects exercise good appearance, as the body is attractive form is the primary goal behind the exercise, which leads to focus on specific muscles directly related to the appearance and the neglect of other important muscles. Many forget that the muscles work together in a single unit training of the muscles of the shoulders should be parallel with the rest of the muscles of the training area, which is working with the shoulders.
And months errors in the exercise, said Michael Hamel, an expert sports medicine in Berlin, the magazine "Focus" German, that most men at this time talking about the "myth WRX Buck" (abdomen facial) and forget the other muscles do not clearly show the shape of the body, but her role Whatever movement in the buttocks.
Among the forgotten muscles in aerobic exercise, is the area between the heel and toes due recessed for being a bit. The same applies to the Quartet muscle in the front of the thigh, which play an important role in protection. Despite the importance of this muscle, but most ignore the legs exercises.

Some muscle problem in the body but not limited to its weakness as a result of lack of agitated only problem is also in the presence of some of the muscles in a permanent state of piriform muscle strain such as pelvic area and that are tight as a result of sitting for long hours in the office or car. The neglect of this muscle leads to the emergence of sciatica problems.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 05:27

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